Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pathfinder RPG for My Birthday

Role-playing Game Pathfinder

Happy Birthday to Me!

A role-playing buddy surprised me with one of the best gifts ever. He gave me Pathfinder and the Bestiary!

GMing Pathfinder

Only way I can repay him is by GMing. Though, with my massive West End Games Jedi Campaign and a side campaign in Savage Worlds, I'm not sure when I'll be able to create a campaign in Pathfinder.

Creating Characters

I've started experimenting with characters. I'm liking the Gnome Bard or maybe a Half-Orc Cleric. However, a Half-Elf rogue/sorcerer would be flat out awesome.

Finding Time to Play

How will I find time to play? I have no idea, but I must!


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